SAN FRANCISCO An appeal was filed December 9, 1977, on the Federal Judge's order dismissing Anita Bryant and the Florida Save Our Children defendants from the San Fancisco $5 million dollar lawsuit on the grounds of lack of personal jurisdiction.

A federal judge the previous week granted the Florida defendants' motion to dismiss on the grounds that the federal court in San Francisco had no jurisdiction over the Florida defendants because of their lack of contacts with California.

The plaintiffs, Helen Hillsborough, mother of the San Francisco gardener slain last June, and Jerry Taylor, had alleged in their pleadings, filed by San Francisco attorney John Vaisey, in opposition to the motion, the following California contacts:

A statement by defendant Anita Bryant that 45% of the cash contributions and letters of support came from California;

Participation by California State Senator John Briggs and his staff in the Miami campaign; Contributions of cash and offers of assistance from residents of dozens of California cities and businesses;

An offer of assistance from United States Senator Hayakawa's office, on his official stationery;

The supplying by two San Francisco police officers, of films of a San Francisco Gay Pride Parade, for use in Save Our Children's national television commercials;

The collection of funds, for Save Our Children, Inc., and the

forwarding of them by the Los Angeles Times, the state's largest daily newspaper;

Approximately six hours of free television time, from a local San Francisco religious station, for Anita Bryant and Save Our Children, in an appeal for funds and support;

A nationwide, direct-mail appeal, soliciting contributions of $100;

The announcement of campaign plans to bring the campaign to California, which the Florida defendants and Briggs later denied under oath. Briggs further denied, under oath, any media stories ever said there were plans to come to California.

This denial was in spite of his trip to Miami and his use of Anita Bryant's picture and en-

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which is expected to hear the case early next year, is whether the above contacts, among others, are sufficient to give the San Francisco federal court jurisdiction to hear the case, and whether or not gays as a class are entitied to the protection of the civil rights statutes. it thus may have nationwide significance.

It presents an issue which the courts are just beginning to deal with, namely, the extent to which persons may be responsible who use nationwide media, including radio and television, and cause harm to others.

The costs of the extensive suit are being underwritten by contributions to a Legal Defense Fund by The Pride Foundation, a San Francisco-based national

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"There will be no discrimination permitted over any area in which the government has control on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, or national origin. I don't think I've left anything out, have I?" With these words, Mayor Edward I. Koch of New York City cleared the way to end all discrimination against gays by the New York City government. While his executive order would only pertain to the city government, aides later assured that the new administration will "provide the broadest protection which we can legally by executive order."

Apparently the January 2, announcement by the mayor took many of the reporters at his informal news conference by surprise. Few people had expected

the new mayor to act so quickly on the gay rights issue. When asked in follow-up questions whether this order would also cover the hiring of the city's police and firemen, Koch assured them that it would.

Twice within the past seven years, New York City Council rejected proposals to eliminate discrimination against gays in private jobs, housing, and public accommodations. The first effort, in May, 1971, was defeated within City Council itself; the second, in September, 1975, did not even clear committee.

Morty Manford, a gay leader in support of the passage of the gay issue, said that he was "thrilled by the speed and determination of the Koch administration to right these wrongs."

dorsement in his California Save organization, which promotes BAR-A-THON WINNERS

Our Children campaign and ill-educational and legal activity on fated initiative against gay behalf of anti-discrimination California school teachers.

Briggs' use of the California Save Our Children slogan was with the knowledge of a Florida federal court's injunction against use of the name "Save Our Children," because of a prior interest of a Connecticut charitable organization, called Save The Children.


A national campaign for contributions of two dollars per person, to pay the cost of copying a page of the depositions of Anita Bryant and the Florida defendants, recently held in Miami, was recently announced.

"The Court, which announced no reason for its dismissal, apparently disregarded more than fifty years of United States Supreme Court cases which have held the above facts are more than sufficient to meet the minimum contacts required to obtain jurisdiction," Paul Hardman, President of Pride Foun-

Remaining in the suit, at the trial level, are Briggs and the four defendants who participated in the actual slaying and assault. The juvenile has already been adjudicated for his part in the attack, and one defendant, John Cordova, was convicted of second degree murder this week, in San FranThe consensus of legal obsercisco Superior Court. vers appeared to support HardThe issue presented to the man's observation.



Thanks On On Wednesday, December 14, New Dimensions held a benefit for the Gay Community Center. This helped to pay our rent and bills. We appreciate the support we've been shown by Paul and the employees of New Dimensions. Thanks to all who were there.

Activities On Tuesday, January 31 there will be an activities planning meeting. Any and all are welcome to come. If you have any suggestions for some type of activity please come, or call the Center at 3212664.

Dignity & NFC On Sunday January 29, at 7:30 p.m. representatives of NFC (formerly MCC) and Dignity will have a presentation and discussion group. If you would like to attend please feel free to drop in

at the Center. This is presented so as to help answer any of your questions and to acquaint people with these organizations.

Hotline Volunteers are always needed to help wo/man the hotline-phones. If you can spare a few hours each week, and are willing to help, please call the Hotline at 321-6632.


Women Monday nights at the center is set aside for the exclusive use of women. Your involvement is always couraged. If you would like to participate in rap groups or help in other areas, please drop in any Monday between 6 and 11 pm. or call the Gay Hotline.

The Gay Community Center and the Gay Hotline are open on weekdays 6 p.m. until 11 p.m. and on weekends 12 noon until 10 p.m. Hotline number is 3216632, and the Center number is 321-2664.

dation said.


There will be an installation service January 22, at 2 p.m. at 3300 Morewood Drive in Fairlawn for the Revs. Karen Wheeler and A. Umbertino as the new pastors of Metropolitan Community Church of Akron. Following the service will be a reception which all are invited to attend.

The Rev. Karen Wheeler, orginally from Lakewood, Ohio, has been with the Universal

The Second Annual Bar-athon for the benefit of St. Jude Children's Hospital raised in excess of $2,300.00, significantly surpassing last year's total of $1,000.00. These awards were presented to the bars participating in the event. First place recognition went to Troubadour Lounge which raised over $850.00. Outpost II won second place honors followed by Camel Lot Complex II and Club 21. Awards were also given to performers who raised the most money on the stage. Barbra Shargo, initiato and driving spirit behind the charity, and Angel Baker did not compete for performance awards. Individual winners were Paula Bunyan, Mag Reiley (both of Troubadour Lounge), Sophie Davenport from Camel Lot and

Janet & Juan of the Outpost.

Special honor recognition was given to those performers who attended all performances included in the Bar-a-thon. They included A.R. Bono, Tom Durrett, Jenetta Vittle, Walter

Lowther, Little Michey, Nicole Jameson and Beverly Morris. Special recognition went to Brian Prine for lighting effects, Elvina Goldnar, the wardrobe mistress and Richard Schulz who collected and tabulated the stage donations.

Diamond Restaurant, Shortstop Carry Out, Dr. Leo DiBlazio, Empire Club and Pickway Shoe Mart all displayed collection canisters to help benefit the effort.

A large plaque was given to Angel Baker and Barbra Shargo by a representative of St. Jude Children's Hospital in recognition for the outstanding work they did in order to raise the funds that will greatly assist the children of the world.

Barbara Shargo would like to express her deep appreciation to all the bar owners and guests who helped her in this successful children's effort. She confidently looks forward to next year's Bar-a-thon to further assist the research people at St. Jude Hospital.


The Thursday, January 5 Fellowship of Metropolitan Com-edition of the London Evening munity Churches (UFMCC) since 1971. She has served as

instructor, Dean and President of Samaritan Theological Institute. She has a Bachelor degree from Ohio State University and is a former instructor of California State University in


The Rev. A. Umbertino, originally from St. Louis, Missouri, has been with the UFMCC since 1973. She is a member of the faculty of Samaritan Thological Institute and is presently serving as District Coordinator of the Great Lakes District of the UFMCC which includes the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky.

News reported that at least ten lesbian couples have had babies through artificial insemination, starting a controversy that Rhodes Boyson, a member of spread across the country. Dr. the opposition Conservative party in Parliament, said "to bring children into this world without a natural father is evil and selfish. This evil must stop for the sake of the potential children and society, which both have enough problems without the extension of this horrific practice."

Supporters of the medical practice, demonstrating at the newspaper's offices, were not

assauged until Editor Louis Kirby met with them and assured them that he would publish their replies to the news series. Sappho, the lesbian organization, released the identity of the Sopher, who had assisted in the gynecologist, Dr. David M. lesbian births.

In calling the artificial insemination "unnatural and immoral" Sir George Young also said that he intended to ask the

British Health Minister David Ennals to work with the British Medical Association to post some type of guidelinees "to insure that artificial insemination is available only to married couples of different sexes."